46 Records Found In Category Health Food -
杩涘彛绯背銆佸脊鎬у崄瓒 Thailand glutinous rice, full of elastic texture. Import pulut, kaya dengan teskstur elastik.
绫宠川娑︽粦锛屽瘜鏈夊脊鎬э紝涓婄瓑鏆圭背銆 Tender, full of elastic texture, upper grade Siam rice. Lembut, kaya dengan testur elastik, beras Siam gred premium.
绫宠川娑︽粦锛屽瘜鏈夊脊鎬э紝涓婄瓑鏆圭背銆 Tender, full of elastic texture, upper grade Siam rice. Lembut, kaya dengan testur elastik, beras Siam gred premium.
绫宠川娑︽粦銆佸瘜鏈夊脊鎬с佷笂绛夋毠绫 Tender, full of elastic texture, upper grade Siam rice. Lembut, kaya dengan testur elastik, beras Siam gred premium.
杈冧綆绯栧垎銆佺背绮掓澗杞 Low Sugar content, Soft & fluffy. Kurang Manis, lembut.