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      14 Records Found In Category Exhibitions & Fairs
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      • Gel insoles features as follows:

        1. High quality PU insole filled with gel and granules

        2. Special PU material with breathe freely which can keep your shoes drying, and prevent diseases growing, remove smell from the shoes....

      • 浜у搧鐗圭偣(Product Features)

        1銆佸鍛借秴闀 (Super Long Life) 涓杞﹀鐢紝Baby杞+鑷杞 璐ㄩ噺杩囩‖锛 2銆佺畝鍗曞疄鐢 (Easy and Practical) 涔拌彍銆侀涜銆佸叕鍥侀噹澶栥侀兘鎴愪簡Baby鐨勬父涔愬満锛屾湁浜嗗畠锛屼笉浼氭媴...
      • 浜у搧鐗圭偣(Product Features)

        1銆佸鍛借秴闀 (Super Long Life) 涓杞﹀鐢紝Baby杞+鑷杞 璐ㄩ噺杩囩‖锛 2銆佺畝鍗曞疄鐢 (Easy and Practical) 涔拌彍銆侀涜銆佸叕鍥侀噹澶栥侀兘鎴愪簡Baby鐨勬父涔愬満锛屾湁浜嗗畠锛屼笉浼氭媴...
      • 浜у搧鐗圭偣(Product Features)

        1銆佸鍛借秴闀 (Super Long Life) 涓杞﹀鐢紝Baby杞+鑷杞 璐ㄩ噺杩囩‖锛 2銆佺畝鍗曞疄鐢 (Easy and Practical) 涔拌彍銆侀涜銆佸叕鍥侀噹澶栥侀兘鎴愪簡Baby鐨勬父涔愬満锛屾湁浜嗗畠锛屼笉浼氭媴...
      •                                          &...

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